I appreciate the civil discourse. Thank you.

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Government scientists Implementing a scientific consensus in a deadly pandemic is not free speech. As far as Fauci and consenting scientists understood at its beginning, the Covid-19 pandemic had the potential of a Black Plague. People who die from germs spread by people who were not stopped from spreading them are just as dead as people trampled while trying to escape a false “fire!” announcement. Scientific consensus is not free speech. Lawyers are ignorant of the basis for Clinical Science of Bradford Hill.

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You pride yourselves in being nonpartisan, and I agree, you pretty much are. But, in ep 236 things were different. Why the snickering when talking about some of Trump's executive orders and lawsuits? If I wanted that kind of discussion I would turn to mainstream media (something I have not done in years.) Greg Lukianoff's blog today was a good summation of yesterday's discussion without the snickering. Thanks Mr. Lukianoff

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